Sunday, April 10, 2011

Getting started...

We've got seedlings started. I finally got outside last night(by force, when my bareroot rhubarb and horseradish came in the mail...). I have been loathe to step out and get things going. My beds are all overgrown with grass. After getting my hands dirty planting the rhubarb and horseradish, I set to work cleaning out the beds--carcasses of calendula flowers, iris leaves, some leeks left to be frozen. I turned the soil in one bed in order to pull out grass and grass roots. This is not normal lovely lawn grass, but stuff that will force its way up from underneath the beds until it makes its way up two feet to daylight. I don't much like it.

Today, temps rose to near 80 degrees, and I turned another raised bed, planted 6 rows of purple haze carrots interplanted with radishes and crimson red bunching onions around the perimeter of the bed. The kids pulled out their swimsuits and played in the water.

I started on my biggest bed, not raised. It is quite overgrown with grass, and it is going to take me a good, long time to get it all turned. But it is started, and I feel a little more motivated to keep going than I did when I started, so this is good.

Oh, I also planted some French thyme in another bed that won't require turning this year. Thank goodness not all of them do!

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